Import from GML: c_red and other color constants are correctly imported now
No annoying " not in the PS list. Add it?" message
Other bugfixes
Geon FX scripts update
HTML5 target runtime is working correctly now
Version 1.2
New Editor Features
macOS editor now works fine on the latest macOS Mojave
macOS editor now supports all Windows editor features
macOS editor is properly signed now and shouldn't be added to the quarantine
GML Import (import your effect code to see it in the editor)
Loading sprites from project folder if couldn't find them
Setting a sprite folder for sprites used in the effect
Asking for the sprite folder if couldn't find one
Fixed effect draw orderFixed wrong emitter forms
Other bugfixes and optimizations
Geon FX scripts update
GameMaker Studio 2.2.2+ is fully supported now
geon_effect_add() now supports a sprite array to replace default effect sprites
geon_effect_burst() and geon_effect_stream() functions now allow to set direction and speed of the effect in realtime
Version 1.1b
Hotfix for saving project file wherever you want;
External background should move freely now (Ctrl + RMB).
Version 1.0b
New Editor Features
Completely rewritten in GMS (faster rendering using DX9)
Zoom In and Out feature
HEX color is now available for GML export (switch in Settings window)
Destroying Emitters in GML Export code
Particle effects should run exactly as in GMS1 and GMS2 runners
Precision fix (0.01 are allowed now)
Set Default Printer or Stop Spoolsv.exe bugfix is not needed anymore (hooray!)
Lots of bugfixes
Geon FX scripts update
GameMaker Studio 2 asset is now available for download
Scripts are in the asset and well annotated
Version 0.9
New Editor Features
GameMaker Studio 2 built-in shapes are supported now
GameMaker Studio 2 GML export
Settings Window: export name settings, interpolation and smooth sprites settings (useful for pixel art effects)
Press TAB key to scroll through input fields
Inputting .1 instead of 0.1 is now also allowed
Click on the input field now always selects all input field contents
Ctrl + D (or Command + D) to change any effect's depth
Ctrl + R (or Command + R) to rename any effect
Ctrl + T (or Command + T) to add new effect
Double-clicking the emitter tab to change emitter's name
Minor bug fixes
Geon FX scripts update
GameMaker Studio 2 support
YoYoCompiler support
Backward compatibility for GMS particles in GMS 2
More memory optimizations
Version 0.8.8
Background image name, x, y are saved in .geon file now
Emitter anchor point position is saved in .geon file too
Background color is saved in Editor INI
New Helloween effects pack included
Duplicate effect function works correctly now
Version 0.8.7
Geon FX scripts
Fixed streaming concurrent effects (now there'll be no memory drain);
Fixed playing effects with part_type_step() and part_type_death() settings.
Geon FX editor
Replaced default background with a higher resolution one. Should be the same speed as loaded back now.
Version 0.8.6
Window position is now saved (useful when you quit fullscreen or maximized window)
Added geon_effect_delete() function to remove unnecessary effects from memory
Fixed geon_system_destroy() function that hasn't cleared all effects
Version 0.8.5
Initial MarketPlace upload
More Scripts and Examples to simplify work with Geon FX editor
Editor reads command-line parameters (you can use Open with dialogs for .geon files now)
Version 0.8.4
Added GameMaker: Studioasset to load and play complex Geon FX effects easily: effect = geon_effect_add("effect_filename.geon", ps); geon_effect_burst(effect, x, y);
Version 0.8.3
Particle can spawn other particles on Step
More correct and readable GML export
New file format
Various create on death fixes
More Undo events
Version 0.8.2b
Added Undo & Redo for emitter movement
Emitters are now positioned relatively to the central anchor point. This will help to design effects and play them in your game.
Maximize fixed on macOS
More macOS keyboard shortcut fixes
Version 0.8.1b
Resize or maximize editor window freely
Add infinite number of emitters and change their depth just by swapping tabs
Resize emitters and move altogether or one by one
Angle picker tool
Alpha slider tool
Load external sprites from strips or folders. Set origins and animation properties.